What's Going On: August 2021

Written by the AUREA team Word count: 550 words
Estimated reading time: approx. 3 mins

Are you online?

Midwest Aces and Aros Virtual Hangout is expanding to include a second monthly meeting on a weeknight. It is a casual video call for aces and aros in the Midwest United States. The next scheduled meet ups are on Saturday August 7th (that’s tomorrow!!) and Tuesday August 17th. 

There’s a sore need for education in the mental health field and few ways for them to learn about aromanticism. Thanks to graces-of-luck and aroace-avenue the Aro Competent Care Webinar now exists. If you know of any mental health practitioners who want to learn more, have a therapist who needs educating, or just want to share this resource then this is what you want to send to them.

Are you a loveless aro or want to learn more about loveless aros? Well there’s a survey asking just those questions. All aromantics are welcome to participate, loveless or otherwise. This survey is run by a member of the aromantic community and the following link will lead you to a tumblr blog. Click HERE to find out more about the Loveless Aro Survey.

This month’s Carnival of Aros topic is Well-being and Amatonormativity and is being hosted by our Volunteer Onboarder, UnYoung! To find out more info and to see the prompts, head over to eir blog. Submissions are due August 31, giving you plenty of time to share your thoughts.

Volunteer Calls

Arocalypse is searching for moderators for Australian and East Asian time zones. If you are interested, you can find more information over at Arocalypse.

Aros in the Media

Wondrous by A Colorful Reader

Paisley has never been in love. But that's okay. She has her friends, her family, and the band that keeps her afloat: SOL. Maybe it's not entirely okay. Cause as love blossoms around her, she wonders: Is there something wrong with me? Meeting a fellow SOL fangirl starts a friendship that opens up Paisley's world. The words Asexual and Aromantic may just end up changing Paisley's world forever.

A webcomic about an aro/ace coming of age story.

What Does It Mean to Be Aromantic? by Team Parle

Dating and falling in love seem like a universal goal for most people. At last, who wouldn’t like to find their second half with whom they can spend their life? However, some people don’t ever experience romantic attraction towards anyone.

An introduction to aromanticism that emphasises that some aros feel sexual attraction. There is some misinformation included which states that carious ace identities are a part of the aromantic spectrum.

Aro and Ace: 20 Books With Aromantic and Asexual Characters by Mara Franzen

Looking for a great summer read full of aro and ace (aromatic and asexual) characters? Then this is the list for you!

Twenty books of varying genres with aromantic characters ranging from the lead to side characters.

Star Wars Confirms Another Asexual and Aromantic Character by Jennifer Roy

In Out of the Shadows, Justina Ireland confirms that a key Jedi Knight is aroace, expanding asexual and aromantic representation in Star Wars.

An article about aromantic representation in the Star Wars universe. Justina Ireland, the author, is also the writer of the Dread Nation series which includes an aroace lead in the second novel.

Papo Aromantic