What's Going On: February 2022

Written by the AUREA team Word count: 700 words
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Are you online?

It’s February and that means Aromantic-Spectrum Awareness Week is around the corner! Have you looked over the official website yet? If you want to find out move about what’s being planned, then we suggest you head on over. There’s educational resources, writing events, as well as posters and infographics to help spread the word. The website also has a cool new feature where you can add events to the ASAW calendar! What’ve you got planned for ASAW?

AUREA is gearing up for our Annual ASAW Fundraiser. We’re hosting guests, answering your burning questions, and have an art onboard for a live drawing event. Keep an eye out for more info to come and join us on the final day of ASAW. The donations we receive go to website upkeep and to catering better to our community needs. If you’d like to ask us a question, we'd love to hear it.

On February 22nd, New England Aces is hosting a Celebration and Discussion. The talking points for this meet up are aromanticism, being aro in an alloromantic world, and to celebrate those who identify as arospec. The event is being held between 7:30-9:30pm EST and will be hosted on Zoom and MeetUp. Looking to have a chat with people who understand you and want to celebrate that? Look no further.

AktivAro - for all you German and German speaking aromantics our there. This website is all about those on the aromantic spectrum. They’ve got info, aro experiences and enough testimonials to have you reading all day.

Do you enjoy video games, tabletop games, and live games? Have you ever wanted to create one? For the third year running Aro Jam is offering you that opportunity. If you’ve noticed the lack of aromantic characters in the game world then you aren’t the only one. Here’s one way we can change that. This event is for more than just the beginner, you’re welcome no matter your experience. Aro Jam 2022 will begin on March 1st and run for the entire month to make sure everyone can take part. Dozens of resources about creating games, programming, and writing resources have been provided.

Aro Media

Today we would like to highlight a work of fiction including aromantic characters and themes! Alia Terra: Stories from the Dragon Realm is authored by Ava Kelly and illustrated by Matthew Spencer, and is due for release on March 1st, 2022. This book includes 3 bilingual English/Romanian fairy tales, all featuring dragons and includes aromantic and non-binary characters and themes. If interested, please do feel free to check out the book website here and the Goodreads webpage here.

Finding out I’m aromantic by Rachel Whitbeck

Knowing that being aromantic is a thing would have saved me so many years of confusion.

Penn State Theatre Studies Festival Showcases Original Student Plays by Sam Fremin

Featuring ‘All That Goes Unsaid’ by David Reingold

Koisenu Futari (2022) - TV Show

About two people who are aromantic and asexual and begin living together.

Fire Becomes Her by Rosiee Thor

This queer YA fantasy novel about a political marriage and spy antics reportedly features a demiromantic bisexual as the main character. There’s also fire magic that you can drink.

Chroma Key by Brandon Dumas

A sci-fi, coming-of-age webcomic that contains aliens and nostalgia as the key to saving the word. Various characters in the main cast are queer, trans, disabled, and people of colour. And since we’re mentioning the comic here, one of the main character is aromantic and asexual.

Aromantics Address

Health in the context of outness of people on the aromantic spectrum by L. Weber

This research has not passed our quality check according to our internal research policy, but we have determined it to be important to promote nevertheless because it attempts to examine important questions, including around aromantic orientation, mental and physical health, and outness in different contexts. The following caveats should be taken into account:

1- There was no reference to demographics regarding what was the composition of this sample as regards race and ethnicity

2- Neither in the methods section or anywhere else in the thesis, was there an adequate description of what statistical methodology would be employed and the underlying reason

3- There were no statistical analyses done to examine if there were baseline differences in the included demographic characteristics for the 2 groups (alloromantic and aromantic spectrum) and 2 subgroups (aromantic and spectrum) analyzed

4- The results of the comparisons between the alloromantic and aromantic spectrum groups and the aromantic and spectrum sub-groups cannot be generalized, as participants were recruited via several social media sites, relying on participants with online presences.

Papo Aromantic